
Client: Arla

Projects: Baby & Me Organic exhibition at the Baby fair

Agency: Montdor Agency

Lokation: Øksenhallen

Date: 2016

My position: Client & Project Manager

Objective: Arla wanted to stand out with the best baby-stand at the exhibition and make engagement with their consumers.

Solution: For the exhibition we designed a stand that was inspired by the Baby & Me organic products and existing universe. We wanted the customer to remember the products after leaving the exhibition, therefore, we created gigant versions of the products, which also helped with far-away recognition. Moreover, guests were engaged with competitions, information and a photography corner where they could get polaroid pictures of their babies with the well-known crocheted Baby & Me Organic teddies.

In order to print the polaroid picture they would have to make the hashtag #babyandmeorganic, which created content and more than 1000 hashtags.